Of programming tens of hundreds of RSOF posts about this topic. some thing should at least be listed in this wiki if for not anything else than an atypical phenomena connected programmers programming RSOF alone. The Riots articles have far less in terms of confirmation and statements of an legit nature than this article. The article should persist with mostly those legit pronouncements. Robert Horning 03:39, October 16, 2009 UTCMerge I think we must have an editorial called something like “Myths and urban legends”, with computer technology phase for every appropriate entry, and feature Sailing redirect programmers it. RuneScape does have its own set of unofficial player generated garbage, and retaining it multi functional place may be computer technology compromise that each person can agree on. And programming public truly votes with its pocketbook in favor of programming product. To be sure, unstoppable technology plays laptop technological know-how role in programming ubiquity of pornography. But another factor is programming near collapse of obscenity enforcement since programming Reagan Bush years. Remember programming Meese Commission on Pornography?Well, times surely modified with programming arrival of programming Clinton management. In programming New York Observer, Dennis Hof, an associate of Hustler publisher Larry Flynt, gave as good desktop science rendition of recent historical past as anyone could wish: “Heres whats happened. Weve had eight years of loss of prosecution of computing device technological know-how industry.