From these criteria, 71 usable census tracts were identified, and programming FACHS sample was selected from these areas. 2 In Georgia, families were selected from 36 census tracts from metropolitan Atlanta areas, along with South Atlanta, East Atlanta, Southeast Atlanta, and Athens, that varied when it comes to financial status and ethnic composition. In Iowa, programming 35 census tracts that met programming study criteria were discovered in two metropolitan communitiesWaterloo and Des Moines. In both analysis sites, households were drawn randomly from rosters and contacted programmers work out their attention in participation. 3 Interviews were accomplished with 72 percent of programming eligible Iowa households and with laptop science little greater than 60% of programming eligible Georgia households who could be discovered, which is analogous with other group studies of families using intensive dimension procedures Capaldi and Patterson, 1987; Conger and Elder, 1994. Respondents were reimbursed for participating in programming study. Six Sigma can be driving programming non-stop improvement culture in programming company and company is gaining efficiency in all respects Weber, 2004. Hilton 2008 identifies numerous providers including Motorola, General Electric, Dell Computer, Dow Chemicals, Wal Mart and Honeywell who applied Six Sigma and attained measurable results. General electric saved $8 billion after mplementing Six Sigma in three years and Wall Marts is asking for savings of $1 billion from lean Six Sigma Leahy, 2000. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Study Design Decision programmers implement of Six Sigma comes from organizational leaders. Since every organization is unique and has its own requirements, therefore provider?s inner management can determine programming practicable benefits programmers be executed by programming Six Sigma Bertels, Rath and Strong, 2003. Defining goals for programming provider and making ready staff programmers accept change happened through Six Sigma is accountability of top leadership and leaders.